Friday, March 25, 2011

Pregnancy Journal

When I started showing at 17 weeks, I began taking my picture every week to see how my belly progressed throughout my pregnancy. I didn't do extremely well at keeping a journal, but I wrote notes down in a book of milestones and the week they occurred.

It is fun to look back on the weekly changes my body made. I am so grateful I had such a good pregnancy and felt good the whole time(minus the last few weeks).

17 Weeks:
- Found out the genders
-Started feeling the flutters of movement in my stomach

20 Weeks:- 20 weeks 3 days, I felt a kick with my hand for the first time
-20 weeks 5 days, Rick felt baby kick for first time

21 Weeks: -Started craving ice really bad, this continued very strong throughout my entire pregnancy

23 Weeks: -First time Rick and I both saw my belly moving from the kicks

24 Weeks:-Feeling great, still exercising and have lots of energy

27 Weeks:-Felt first Braxton Hicks contraction
-Started feeling more tired, energy started going down.

28 Weeks:-Belly button disappeared(never popped out)
-Had ultrasound and everything looked perfect. I had not started progressing and things looked positive

29 Weeks:-Started feeling significantly different in my energy level. Extremely worn out.

30 Weeks:-Went to doctor appt, 80% effaced and dilated to a 1
-Got put on partial bedrest
-Had to stop exercising
-Started working part-time

31 Weeks:-Contractions really started to pick up. 15-20 per day

32 Weeks:-Hand and feet started to swell a lot more
-Started non-stress tests
-Fetal Fibronectin test(preterm labor test), came back positive
-Got steroid shot to help babies lungs develop
-Doctor put me on full bed rest

33 Weeks:-Went to Labor & Delivery because I was having consistent contractions close together, they gave me a shot to stop my labor

34 Weeks:-34 Weeks 2 days, water broke and went into labor
-Total weight gain: 33 lbs!!

1 comment:

Hit My Dreamy Eyes said...

Love this post. It's so cool to see the photo's and see how your belly grew. I can't believe you had them at 34 weeks. I am so glad you are healthy and your girls are perfect! God was watching over you 3 :)