Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Last week I went back to work after my three month long maternity leave.
I love my job, and I am so grateful for it. It has been the biggest blessing
but oh how hard it is to be without my babies.
Not to mention, I'm without my husband too!
Rick works nights from 4pm-1am.
I work 9am-5pm.
Needless to say, we aren't seeing much of each other right now.
When he gets home at night, I am half asleep and get a kiss hello from him.
In the morning, he is half asleep and we kiss each other goodbye.
Life is so hard to balance sometimes.

I was sitting contemplating things last night. We all have the same question: Why is life so tough? Well, there's an easy answer to that.

Bad is easy, Good is hard.
Losing is easy. Winning is hard.
Watching TV is easy. Reading is hard.

Giving advice is easy. Taking advice is hard.
Flab is easy. Muscle is hard.
Stop is easy. Go is hard.

Dirty is easy. Clean is hard.

Take is easy. Give is hard.

Play is easy. Work is hard.

Falling is easy. Getting up is hard.
Spending is easy. Saving is hard.

Eating is easy. Dieting is hard.

Doubt is easy. Faith is hard.

Even though this time is crazy, I need to be grateful.
My WONDERFUL, AMAZING mom is watching my babies
so I don't have to leave them with a sitter.
Also, both Rick and I are employed at good companies that take care of us.
Most of all, we are blessed with a beautiful family and three month
twin girls that both sleep through the night!! Every night.
This time in our life will pass and I know it won't
last forever. We are blessed.


Jobi Niu said...

That is so great of your Mom! I bet that's tough hardly seeing your husband and leaving your babies! I loved that saying/quote, I might have to steal it! Thanks for sharing!! :)

Shalice said...

Ok, I need to check your blog more often, you havent been updating on mine. I just got all caught up and wow your girls are adorable. Hope all is well and who better to watch your babies then your own mother?

TeresaL said...

So nice to have your Mom available! And wonderful to have 3 month old babies sleeping through the night. You are so blessed :)

Kristi said...

Melissa, that is so hard! I can't even imagine. You are amazing. Hang in there!

Jamie Bullock said...

i love your grateful attitude. you are such a beautiful person! shelley said it was so fun to see you & your girls last week :)