Friday, June 24, 2011

The Stroller

The girls and I decided to take the stroller out for a spin
in the nice weather a few nights ago after I got off work.
The stroller is nice and drives really smooth for how large it is.
I get an obscene amount of stares from people with this stroller and the
two car seats attached to it.
Seriously, people look at me like I'm a freak.
At first I was a little paranoid about it but now I don't really pay attention when
people turn their heads when I pass.
The funny thing is they think they are being very sly and think I don't notice,
but really it is SO obvious when they do it. Funny!
I really didn't think twins were that uncommon
so didn't expect all the attention that they receive when we are out.
But for some reason, twins are still quite the phenomenon for some people.

Anyways, we had a grand ol' time on our walk.

......well, I guess two of us had a good time. Clara wasn't so sure;)


Hit My Dreamy Eyes said...

Cute Stroller! I think twins are amazing and a gift from God!

Shantillylace said...

I saw you guys! They are sooo cute:)

TeresaL said...

Adorable! And it's fun to see twins no matter how many times we've seen them before ;) Besides, you have made some adorable babies, no wonder people stare.

Brad and Jana said...

So cute! You will always get attention for having twins! I still get stopped and asked about mine! They are dolls and I need to see them again! And guess what I am watching on TV right now...TITANIC. I totally thought about us and our Leo obesession:)