Saturday, January 7, 2012

Farewell 2011

We spent the last week of December in St. George with family for a little post-Christmas get-away and rang in the new year while we were there.
60 degree weather meant golfing for Rick, and extra hands around to help out with the girls meant a little bit of sleeping in for me. It was great!

After a few rough years, 2011 decided to be good to us. Really good.
2011 is the year that brought so many wonderful things.
We have cried, laughed, cleaned, yawned, smiled, stared, and kissed more than we ever thought possible.
It is often exhausting and chaotic, and more often than not I can't wait for the girls' 8:00pm bedtime to roll around.
We have made more than 2000 bottles and changed approximately 2194 diapers.
It has been double the spit up, double the cries in the middle of the night, and a double formula/diaper monthly bill.
With all of this, as cheesy as it may sound - if I could sum up this year in a word it would be blissful.

Every day is more loving and purposeful since we have become parents.
We hoped and prayed to be parents for a while, and it has definitely been worth the wait.
I often get stopped by strangers when I am out and about to glance at our twosome.
I hear all types of comments from these strangers, but one that is the most common is "You are so blessed".
We couldn't agree more.
Goodbye 2011, you will forever be a year we will cherish and never forget.


Hit My Dreamy Eyes said...

You and your family are very blessed. Your girls are a gift from God :)

TeresaL said...

Beautiful tribute to your family. You are truly blessed!