Monday, June 20, 2011

Three Months

The girls are an absolute joy. Everyday we look at them and can't believe they are ours.
Surprising to say, we still have to pinch ourselves at times to think we have two children!
You would think after three months we would be completely used to it.
But it is still surreal some days.
This stage is so fun with all the smiles, interaction and recognition.
Both have found their hands and slobber on them all day long.
Every day brings something new that the girls do and something Rick and I have never experienced. It is such a fun adventure!
The biggest milestone this month was the girls sleeping through the night.
Both girls were right in sync with one another and slept through the night for the first time the night before I had to go back to work. This was a few days before their three month bday.
I like to think they knew that mom was having a hard time going back to work, so they decided to give me a little present.
They are so sweet!
I couldn't be more grateful and it has made my transition back to work much more bearable.
We are loving this stage and trying to soak up every minute.

-Loves to eat and it is starting to show. She is quickly closing the gap on the weight difference between her and her sister. Often she will eat a full bottle and still be really unsettled. We give her a few more ounces and she is content. Those extra ounces of milk are definitely showing and we are loving the chunkiness that took a while to come through.
-Makes us work really hard for her smiles and coos, but when she does it is so worth it. Sweetest thing we've ever seen.
-Sleeps from 10pm to 6am. Eats. Then sleeps for another few hours. Wonderful!
-Her body is not that of a floppy newborn any longer. Bree loves to stiffen her body out
like a board and stand on her legs. She seems to just want to take off running, but her body won't let her quite yet. My prediction is she will be our first to walk.
-Better sleeper at night than during the day. She isn't too fond of long naps, just little cat naps.
-She is still always cracking us up with her array of interesting faces. Her expressions keep us entertained for hours.
-Her eye color is starting to sparkle blue
-We can't get enough of her sweet little face and button nose. We love her so much.

-Man can this girl smile and it is easy to get her there too, so adorable!
-Chubbylicious thighs that we could squeeze all day
-Darker eyes with a small hint of blue. I think they will end up being brown.
-Quite possibly the slowest eating baby I've ever seen. She takes her time and usually falls asleep before she can finish. I have no idea how she is getting so chubby!
-Loves to cuddle. As long as she is being held and snuggled, she is usually content.
-Sleeps from 10pm-6am, eats, then goes back to sleep. Just like her sis.
-Makes the funniest high pitched coos you've ever heard. Funny story...I was in the store the other day returning a few items. The clerk that was helping me was in the worst mood ever! Clara started crying and the clerk looked even more bugged. I got her out of the stroller and held her while I was being helped. She was so happy to be held and started off on her variety of different high pitched coos. The clerk couldn't help but start laughing. I was happy Clara could put a smile on her face!
-Constantly reaching at her face and scratching herself. Every day brings a new scratch on her pretty little face:(


Hit My Dreamy Eyes said...

I can't believe how big they are getting already! They are so precious.

TeresaL said...

I love their cheeks! They are precious!

Jen & George Scott said...

Mel they are so stinkin cute!!! I love the picture at the top!!!

joel and laura michelle said...

ooooh the yumminess of these two! just darling!