Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Since we don't get to see each other much at all right now during the week,
we cherish every second of our weekend.
Sundays are my very favorite.
No errands, no shopping, no hustle and bustle.
It is calm, peaceful and we can just enjoy family.

A few Sundays back, we got home from church and just spent some time outside together.
We sat under a tree in the front yard and talked, read books, had a snack
and played with toys.
It is little moments like these that I wish I could replay over and over.
Simple but so special.
I wish everyday was Sunday.


Bambie said...

They are so cute Melissa!!!! Somebody has fabulous taste in babywear lol.

TeresaL said...

I love those family days!

Jen said...

Such cute pictures Melissa ...Being a mommy can be so hard at times but is so rewarding at the end of the day and your holing them in your arms asleep :)