Monday, May 14, 2012

Bath Time Shenanigans

My girls have always loved bath time...
up until a few months ago.
Around the time they turned one they started absolutely hating the bath tub. 
It was so strange because they both started hating it at exactly the same time.
Both Rick and I would loathe giving them baths because they would scream bloody murder and reach for us to get them out.
My mom suggested I try bathing them in the sink to see if it would help and much to my surprise it did!
Hopefully soon we can phase back into the big bath tub
but for now this works...


Bambie said...

lolol So cute!!

jill said...

so cute!! they are growing up so their little faces they are pulling..

Hit My Dreamy Eyes said...

They are so funny. I love giving Maqzie baths in the sink. It's the cutest thing!!! Thank goodness for double sinks ;)

Ashli Paynter said...

LOL don't you love when they get so picky about stuff!!! They are so cute!