Sunday, October 2, 2011

Picture Dump

I realize this blog has turned into a Bree and Clara only blog.
I dedicate to doing better at posting more about Rick and I, promise!
I have been horrible at taking pictures the past few months, but
I have taken a few I wanted to remember.
So, here is a big ol' picture dump from the past little while...

At the doctor getting their four month shots which followed by their first rice cereal experience the same day. First experience with rice cereal? They didn't like it too much.

Cutest little ruffle bums I've ever seen

My life now..feeding babies! In restaurants, doctors offices and even bathroom stalls(don't worry, I have it down to an art to make sure it's sanitary). You gotta do what you gotta do.

Daddy's little girls in Jordan gear. First thing Rick bought for them while I was pregnant.

Bree, our little couch potato.

So happy together....

Grandma Kathy and Bree after church on Sunday

It is tiring being a dad to twins. Rick multitasking by feeding Clara and sleeping at the same time.

Our bathing beauties after their bath...

Bree hogging all the stuffed animals.

Clara loving her new jumper

Last but definitely not least. Bree laughing at mom. 5 months old.


Ry, Shell, Maxwell and Henry said...

I'm dying right now. Your girls are so cute and it makes me miss you guys so much :( Seriously either me and Ryan need to make a trip out there or you need to come visit us. We just moved into a house we are renting now and we have lots of space for you guys. Seriously!! I'm being totally serious, I'm having Rick and Mel withdrawals right now. I'm probably freaking you out, I just really miss you guys.

Hit My Dreamy Eyes said...

So great! I love seeing them. They are so big and so beautiful! Can't wait to see them again.

joel and laura michelle said...

darling. gorgeous. perfect. lots of love to you guys!